Friday, May 29, 2009

It's a beautiful morning...

*I'm still here in wonderful Notting Hill for my half term holiday. I'm really enjoying the time I'm spending with Adam; it's nice to finally have some down time where I don't feel as though I'm rushing around, worrying about what train to catch in order to be back at work in time etc. etc. ...and here's where I know I've been living in England far too lond already (just kidding)...
...Though the weather (yes, I'm in fact writing about the weather) has been unpredictable these past few days, today looks as though it will be utterly breath taking. England in the spring, as I've noted, is much like Maryland weather; if you don't like what you see, wait 10 minutes ;). I'm thinking this morning's run is going to be extra hay-fever-ish...I'm quite surprised at how much pollin still floats around, even in an urban environment (though I suppose with Hyde Park running parallele to where I run, it's to be expected...).

*A surprise came for me the other day. Just because, and I nearly died, Adam decided to buy me one of the unedited copies of Kurt Vonnegut's "Hocus Pocus". The book itself has all of the typos AND even has Vonnegut's own personal signature. The idea of Vonnegut actually holding the book in his hands, hands I can only guess to have been through some incredibly rough experiences, is beyond mindblowing. I'm reading it at the moment and normally I destroy books (something that actually drives Adam insane), but in this particular case, I've been extra careful not to break the spine or write on the pages. Heck, I won't even dog ear the pages to keep my place; I've replaced that with a sheet of lined paper (I've never been one for book markers).

*I'm running a 10K with one of my colleagues next Sunday. Should be fun :)

*Less than two months until I'm baaaccckkk :-D

*Nicci's wedding was last Sunday; it was quite an event. The service itself was something I've never experienced, mainly due to the fact that all but two of the weddings I've attended in the past 6 years (or rather the ones I can remember) have been Jewish Orthodox. Anyway, Nicci looked stunning, her bridesmaids outfits were lovely, the party afterwards was small, but in a gorgeous Victorian-esque estate-type place (you really needed to arrive in a horse and buggie to feel the full effect of that gem). On top of this the entire department was actually able to get together for this event; it was an excellent time indeed.

*I must be off. Time for a run, getting some more marking accomplished, enjoying the beautiful weather before it turns to shit (as I said it has the tendency to do), and then I think the Piccasso exhibit in the evening.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who needs sleep...?

*I haven't been sleeping very good lately. I wake up exhausted and my jaw hurts (apparently I'm developing this horrible habit of clenching my teeth while I sleep...). Along with this my eye has developed a slight twitch on the upper lid; I can only assume that it's due to all of this as well. Today I about hit a wall with teaching and work. I think that traveling so much between London and here is starting to get to me--which is worrying because I have a feeling I won't be able to visit Adam in London as much as I have recently. I'm starting to notice that I'm not getting as much done as I should be, and this could have dire effects on my over all teaching. I don't know how I'm going to find a happy medium between having a social life and maintaining a decent standard at work; how do teachers juggle between a life and work? At first I was doing nothing but work, and now it seems as though I may have slipped out of that (though this was a shortened half term so everything was crammed into a short span of time). I don't want to NOT have a social life, but I also want to continue advancing with my teaching skills. I wish they would write the book 'Life and Teaching For Dummies: A Simple-man's guide to juggling teaching and a life. Talk about using that 'Easy' button (sorry British Folks if you're not familiar with that--it was an advert for Staples [in the US] about a year or so ago)--I could use one of those right about now. 

*It's 10:45pm and I'm heading to bed; I need to be up at 5:45 to get work done since I was too exhausted to do anything after work this evening...lovely...

Monday, May 18, 2009

That was a crazy game of poker...

*I'm just about finished with my newest Vonnegut book 'Bluebeard'. It's taken me FOREVER to finish this, but it's not as though I've had  a huge quantity of time. By far the BEST Vonnegut book I've read thus far; might even surpass Breakfast of Champions (I know...crazy...right?!)

*I have almost two months worth of my first year of teaching left. I still can't believe how quickly this has gone and how much I still need to do before the end of the year. On a higher note, home to the States in two months as well. You all know my dates of visiting (see my last post) so if you want to see me, send me a message via facebook or AIM. I'll have a pay as you go phone (new number as well) since I had to scrap my old US phone (crapped out on my during my last visit).

*It's typical English weather today...I was metaphorically 'pissed on' by rain today walking home. I hate carrying umbrellas, especially if I'm coming back from London in the morning and have more than enough stuff to carry as is. 

*I feel as though I'm falling behind in my running...I did manage to run 5 miles in about 50 minutes (with one of my colleagues) last Thursday, which, I suppose, isn't so bad. I'm just worried I'm going to start gaining weight again. Bathing-suit season is close and I still have a few things to tone up before I can even THINK about going out in public wearing a two piece. 

*Saw Angels and Demons with Adam last night; surprisingly enough it was a good movie (very much UNLIKE ANY of Brown's novels). I was so irritated with The Da Vinci Code (the movie)--it dragged and dragged for a good portion of the film. It was a shame since my favorite actress, Audrey Tatou, was one of the main characters. The theatre we went to was brilliant--the Notting Hill Cinema. For those of you who are from the Bergen County/Rockland County area, you know the Suffern Movie Theatre; it looks almost identical to that :) 

*My grandparents are coming to Southhampton in less than a week :-D! I'm so excited to see them (and a bit nervous for them to meet Adam). It'll be so good to see family...

*Nicci's wedding is in less than a week; I can't even begin to imagine what she's going through right now (the amount of stress must be unbearable!) I'm so excited for her (not to mention for my first British Wedding hehe)! 

*Must be off! I don't really think this was a very interesting post to be honest, but I just felt like writing. Ah well...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

But you talk too much, you say too little...

*I just found a few Better Than Ezra songs on my iTunes that I forgot I had. I'm definitely a sucker for 90s music--and they were certainly wonderful in concert when I saw them a few years ago. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fred Jones Part 2...

*My last post was slightly disjointed. I suppose that's what happens when you attempt to write in a state of inebriation...then again, some of the best writers wrote while they were on far worse. It's not illegal so that's that. 

*We're starting to wind down for the year already. All of this in one fell swoop. I'm losing my Year 13s and 11s at the end of this term. To be honest, I'm going to really miss some of them. While I know they'll be in 6th form/post-16, it won't be the same if I'm not teaching them/their tutor. As my friend Nicci said the other day 'the day you start to miss the ones that are going is the day you know you're in the right profession'. While there's a part of me that hopes I've had some profound impact on my students, I know as a teacher is a thankless job and the few 'thank yous' that you do receive are to be cherished and put in your 'special box'; they are often few and far between. My 'special box' is only a folder at this point consisting of letters from my student teaching students. Regardless of how small it might be, I've taken it out a few times throughout the year when I really was questioning whether or not I was in 'right profession'.

*I found a place for next year! I'm so incredibly excited about this--such a small, adorable, and personable flat; not to mention it's, once again, in walking distance of the school. While it's not London, it's affordable and mine. For the first time in my life I'll be living on my own (though I'm contemplating getting a cat :)). I know there are times when my mind plays tricks on me (at night mainly) and I become really freaked out, but I'm hoping that a cat will negate this lol (I know, I'm pathetic...). 

*I called MK music school and asked about information about some ensemble that they have for adults. I'm hoping they have room for another clarinet player; it would be great to start playing with a group again. 

*Unfortunately, I no longer can do the half marathon as it falls on the same weekend as my trip back to the States. However, there is a 10K I'm doing in July AND hopefully Adam and I will get a bid for next year's London Marathon (not to mention doing the half marathon in MK once again :) ). I'm so hooked on running it's beyond ridiculous at this point! I do need to get myself a new pair of running shoes; mine are basically worn down to the soles which really hurts my heels after a while. 

*I'm so incredibly excited about the items I bought for Nicci's wedding at the end of the month :) I got my FIRST British 'wedding hat'. Paired with my black and white dress from White House Black Market, my red clutch, and the junk jewelry I'm sporting, it'll be one heck of an outfit. 

*I'm starting to look at grad programs for two years from now. I'm looking at Kings College and UCL (both part of the London University system). I'll also be applying to Oxford; it's a HUGE pipe dream, but what's the worst they could I'll take my chance, if anything just to say I tried :). 

*My grandparents are coming to Northhampton in about two weeks time. I'm really excited to see them (not to mention they'll be meeting Adam). It'll be good to see family after so many months. Along the lines of family and friends, I have two months until I'm back home for a months visit; very exciting.

*3 months this thursday! I can't believe it. I'm just waiting for something to go wrong because none of my relationships have ever lasted this long, being this stable. I just read that last sentence and it feels a bit pathetic; though I suppose to each his own ;) It's so easy to just be me around him (That sounds so cliche I almost want to be sick...) and regardless of my countless quirks/flaws, he still remains to be interested in me; I must have picked a good one this time around. He really is brilliant! 

*Must be off...I have an observation for year 13 tomorrow by the head of KS3; Teaching Charlotte Bronte's 'Retrospection'. God I love teaching this year group; if I could ONLY teach Years 12 and 13 I'd be the happiest person alive (perhaps not as happy as teaching university, but close enough for now). 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Modern Myth

I know it's been AGES since I last updated, so I'll try to be as specific as possible without boring you all to death with my ramblings.

First, things with Adam and I have been going wonderfully :-D It's the first time in my life where a relationship has not been showing signs of deteriorating. It's so easy and I'm so relieved to have finally found someone who ACTUALLY makes me happy rather than making my life a living hell (I know that sounds really drastic and perhaps over dramatic, but I look back at all my 'serious' relationships and they've caused nothing but problems and pain). I'm heading off to Devon with Adam and his family (Mother and Father--eep!!) tomorrow until Monday. How crazy that I'm meeting the parents already!!! Ridiculous, yet quite exciting :)

I've put all of my grading aside and have begun focusing on my planning; can I just say how much of a relief the past week and a half has been to know that the reason why teaching has acted as more of a problem than a passion weeks prior to Spring Break was because I was spending more time on my marking and less time on my planning. How can I possibly expect to become a better teacher if all I do is focus on the grading aspect of teaching--there must be a happy medium...

I have booked my dates for the States (for this summer) and they are as follows: 20th-25th of July Philly; 25-26th Wildwood Tourny (woot !!); 27-28th Philly; 28th-3rd July/August Baltimore/Washington; 3rd-9th New Jersey/New York; 9th-10th Philly; 10th-16th Florida; 16-17th Philly/Back to UK :)  If you're in my area any time during my stay please let me know as I'd love LOVE to see you :) I miss everyone terribly and cannot wait to see 'ya'll' soon! Adam is coming with me as well which is awesome :-D!!!

I'm slightly confused as to WHY a friend of mine (whom I just got back in touch with recently) decided to unfriend me from facebook AND block me on AIM after having a normal conversation earlier this week with NO signs of any issues. I wish that people would simple grow up and let me know that I've done something wrong (if that really is the case) rather than revert back to 5 years ago when we were younger and take the measures they've decided to take. I'm a bit disappointed at the fact that we both agreed it was okay to be friends, but now it's apparent that it's simply NOT okay. I suppose that's life and since I've been blocked/unfriended I'll really never know whether or not I've done something wrong or if something else is going on in their life at the moment. Blech. Not fair.

I'm going to head to bed now. It's been a long (though very productive) day and I'm exhausted :( Up at 545 tomorrow morning....this should be interesting....really excited/nervous for this weeekend!!!