Monday, May 18, 2009

That was a crazy game of poker...

*I'm just about finished with my newest Vonnegut book 'Bluebeard'. It's taken me FOREVER to finish this, but it's not as though I've had  a huge quantity of time. By far the BEST Vonnegut book I've read thus far; might even surpass Breakfast of Champions (I know...crazy...right?!)

*I have almost two months worth of my first year of teaching left. I still can't believe how quickly this has gone and how much I still need to do before the end of the year. On a higher note, home to the States in two months as well. You all know my dates of visiting (see my last post) so if you want to see me, send me a message via facebook or AIM. I'll have a pay as you go phone (new number as well) since I had to scrap my old US phone (crapped out on my during my last visit).

*It's typical English weather today...I was metaphorically 'pissed on' by rain today walking home. I hate carrying umbrellas, especially if I'm coming back from London in the morning and have more than enough stuff to carry as is. 

*I feel as though I'm falling behind in my running...I did manage to run 5 miles in about 50 minutes (with one of my colleagues) last Thursday, which, I suppose, isn't so bad. I'm just worried I'm going to start gaining weight again. Bathing-suit season is close and I still have a few things to tone up before I can even THINK about going out in public wearing a two piece. 

*Saw Angels and Demons with Adam last night; surprisingly enough it was a good movie (very much UNLIKE ANY of Brown's novels). I was so irritated with The Da Vinci Code (the movie)--it dragged and dragged for a good portion of the film. It was a shame since my favorite actress, Audrey Tatou, was one of the main characters. The theatre we went to was brilliant--the Notting Hill Cinema. For those of you who are from the Bergen County/Rockland County area, you know the Suffern Movie Theatre; it looks almost identical to that :) 

*My grandparents are coming to Southhampton in less than a week :-D! I'm so excited to see them (and a bit nervous for them to meet Adam). It'll be so good to see family...

*Nicci's wedding is in less than a week; I can't even begin to imagine what she's going through right now (the amount of stress must be unbearable!) I'm so excited for her (not to mention for my first British Wedding hehe)! 

*Must be off! I don't really think this was a very interesting post to be honest, but I just felt like writing. Ah well...

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