First, things with Adam and I have been going wonderfully :-D It's the first time in my life where a relationship has not been showing signs of deteriorating. It's so easy and I'm so relieved to have finally found someone who ACTUALLY makes me happy rather than making my life a living hell (I know that sounds really drastic and perhaps over dramatic, but I look back at all my 'serious' relationships and they've caused nothing but problems and pain). I'm heading off to Devon with Adam and his family (Mother and Father--eep!!) tomorrow until Monday. How crazy that I'm meeting the parents already!!! Ridiculous, yet quite exciting :)
I've put all of my grading aside and have begun focusing on my planning; can I just say how much of a relief the past week and a half has been to know that the reason why teaching has acted as more of a problem than a passion weeks prior to Spring Break was because I was spending more time on my marking and less time on my planning. How can I possibly expect to become a better teacher if all I do is focus on the grading aspect of teaching--there must be a happy medium...
I have booked my dates for the States (for this summer) and they are as follows: 20th-25th of July Philly; 25-26th Wildwood Tourny (woot !!); 27-28th Philly; 28th-3rd July/August Baltimore/Washington; 3rd-9th New Jersey/New York; 9th-10th Philly; 10th-16th Florida; 16-17th Philly/Back to UK :) If you're in my area any time during my stay please let me know as I'd love LOVE to see you :) I miss everyone terribly and cannot wait to see 'ya'll' soon! Adam is coming with me as well which is awesome :-D!!!
I'm slightly confused as to WHY a friend of mine (whom I just got back in touch with recently) decided to unfriend me from facebook AND block me on AIM after having a normal conversation earlier this week with NO signs of any issues. I wish that people would simple grow up and let me know that I've done something wrong (if that really is the case) rather than revert back to 5 years ago when we were younger and take the measures they've decided to take. I'm a bit disappointed at the fact that we both agreed it was okay to be friends, but now it's apparent that it's simply NOT okay. I suppose that's life and since I've been blocked/unfriended I'll really never know whether or not I've done something wrong or if something else is going on in their life at the moment. Blech. Not fair.
I'm going to head to bed now. It's been a long (though very productive) day and I'm exhausted :( Up at 545 tomorrow morning....this should be interesting....really excited/nervous for this weeekend!!!
Pencil me in for one of the MD days, yes? Miss you! So glad to hear you're doing well, and Adam sounds great :)
i get to see you! we'll figure out a day to take the boy out for a nice jewish meal!
i love and miss you so! glad things are going well! =D
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