Monday, May 11, 2009

Fred Jones Part 2...

*My last post was slightly disjointed. I suppose that's what happens when you attempt to write in a state of inebriation...then again, some of the best writers wrote while they were on far worse. It's not illegal so that's that. 

*We're starting to wind down for the year already. All of this in one fell swoop. I'm losing my Year 13s and 11s at the end of this term. To be honest, I'm going to really miss some of them. While I know they'll be in 6th form/post-16, it won't be the same if I'm not teaching them/their tutor. As my friend Nicci said the other day 'the day you start to miss the ones that are going is the day you know you're in the right profession'. While there's a part of me that hopes I've had some profound impact on my students, I know as a teacher is a thankless job and the few 'thank yous' that you do receive are to be cherished and put in your 'special box'; they are often few and far between. My 'special box' is only a folder at this point consisting of letters from my student teaching students. Regardless of how small it might be, I've taken it out a few times throughout the year when I really was questioning whether or not I was in 'right profession'.

*I found a place for next year! I'm so incredibly excited about this--such a small, adorable, and personable flat; not to mention it's, once again, in walking distance of the school. While it's not London, it's affordable and mine. For the first time in my life I'll be living on my own (though I'm contemplating getting a cat :)). I know there are times when my mind plays tricks on me (at night mainly) and I become really freaked out, but I'm hoping that a cat will negate this lol (I know, I'm pathetic...). 

*I called MK music school and asked about information about some ensemble that they have for adults. I'm hoping they have room for another clarinet player; it would be great to start playing with a group again. 

*Unfortunately, I no longer can do the half marathon as it falls on the same weekend as my trip back to the States. However, there is a 10K I'm doing in July AND hopefully Adam and I will get a bid for next year's London Marathon (not to mention doing the half marathon in MK once again :) ). I'm so hooked on running it's beyond ridiculous at this point! I do need to get myself a new pair of running shoes; mine are basically worn down to the soles which really hurts my heels after a while. 

*I'm so incredibly excited about the items I bought for Nicci's wedding at the end of the month :) I got my FIRST British 'wedding hat'. Paired with my black and white dress from White House Black Market, my red clutch, and the junk jewelry I'm sporting, it'll be one heck of an outfit. 

*I'm starting to look at grad programs for two years from now. I'm looking at Kings College and UCL (both part of the London University system). I'll also be applying to Oxford; it's a HUGE pipe dream, but what's the worst they could I'll take my chance, if anything just to say I tried :). 

*My grandparents are coming to Northhampton in about two weeks time. I'm really excited to see them (not to mention they'll be meeting Adam). It'll be good to see family after so many months. Along the lines of family and friends, I have two months until I'm back home for a months visit; very exciting.

*3 months this thursday! I can't believe it. I'm just waiting for something to go wrong because none of my relationships have ever lasted this long, being this stable. I just read that last sentence and it feels a bit pathetic; though I suppose to each his own ;) It's so easy to just be me around him (That sounds so cliche I almost want to be sick...) and regardless of my countless quirks/flaws, he still remains to be interested in me; I must have picked a good one this time around. He really is brilliant! 

*Must be off...I have an observation for year 13 tomorrow by the head of KS3; Teaching Charlotte Bronte's 'Retrospection'. God I love teaching this year group; if I could ONLY teach Years 12 and 13 I'd be the happiest person alive (perhaps not as happy as teaching university, but close enough for now). 

1 comment:

Lil Qveen said...

i'm so happy you found a place! i say a cat is a good idea. I would have gotten one when i lived on my own if my parents had let me- and my landlord allowed animals- I'm probably much more paranoid than you could ever be.

and congrats to you and adam, and i understand the looking over your shoulder/ waiting for the other shoe to drop. You and I haven't had the best luck with some of the boys we've picked in our past. But when you find a good one- grab on and just enjoy the ride. It really is worth it, I promise


also- my dad uploaded my pictures onto the computer from my trip- i went to put them on facebook, and about half of them are missing. they start at the inside of versaille- and I am so beyond upset I can't even tell you. Hopefully he will find them in the abyss that is our computer, but I'm not holding my breath. =( at least I have your pictures tho, that makes me a bit happier.
