Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Holy toledo, Batman!

Hi all! Just a quick update seeing as I should be marking and it's already 8:30...

*First, my application for Oxford went out. Received a confirmation a week later (today) saying that they received everything and my application is the process of being reviewed. Their decision date is the 19 of March...so until then, I'm putting this out of my mind and focusing on other aspects such as...

*I'M GOING TO ISTANBUL IN A WEEK FOR OUR ONE YEAR/VALENTINES DAY WEEKEND/HALF TERM! I've never been to that part of the world before so my excitement level is through the roof at the moment. The sights, the food, the sounds, the food, the haggling in the streets, and did I mention the food? If there's one thing I love, it's Turkish Food--compliments of my grandparents taking me to this incredible Turkish restaurant in Knightsbridge. The best part, we've only spent 150 pounds each on round trip tickets, and two nights in a four star hotel (highly rated by Tripadvisor.com and we all know their word is scripture...).

*5 months = Notting Hill

*Book of Eli was an interestingly unsettling film; I can only assume that was the intention of the director thus making it successful? I still need to see Avitar and Sherlock Holmes (Jude Law = guilty pleasure. I feel so...ashamed. The Road and one other film that Adam suggested (that I can't remember off the top of my head. It's a French film so we all know there will be all of two people in the theatre) both sound really good as well. Oh and Alice in Wonderland...I can't believe it's taken them this long to decide to remake the film.

*Guitar lessons are going well. Jimmy Eat World 'The Middle' is finished and I'm moving onto 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by Green Day as my next assignment. Rock on. *flashes rock fingers and attempts crap version of Gene Simons impression*

*MK Half Marathon in one month exactly. Status: No where NEAR ready for it. Then again, I think I was this bad this time last year so I should be okay...fingers crossed.

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