Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'So this is the new year...'

The past week or so the UK has been in a complete state of frenzy; SNOW! Much like the southern part of the US, the UK is not equipped with the proper equipment to deal with anything over 1/2 an inch of the white stuff. Now, as amusing as this is for me to sit back and watch, it still makes life incredibly difficult, not only for those in cars, but those of us who do most of our traveling by foot. For those in vehicles, reckless driving, poorly salted and plowed (if you even want to call it that) side roads, lack of snow tires and Anti-lock breaks leaves for very dangerous traveling. And for those of us who find other means to move from point A to point B, a serious lack of salting on the RedWays (what they call sidewalks here in the land of Milton Keynes) leaves room for falling on our bums, backs, wrists, and/or sides. What should be an easy 5 minute walk to school took me 10 minutes today as I went slipping and sliding up (or in this case, back down as it seemed to be two steps forward one slide back) the hill that leads to school from my apartment. Schools have also closed last Wednesday and Thursday. It's amazing how teachers revert back to days of being in school; we were looking forward to a snow day as much as the students (if not to simply play out in the snow, then to certainly catch up on any work we may have fallen behind/not accomplished over the holiday the week prior). I can only imagine the incredible material British Comedians are getting from these past two weeks! To be honest, looking at last year and comparing it this year, it seems as though it's getting worse. One can only hope that the country will decide to be a bit more prepared for this come the 2010/2011 snow season.

Okay rant about snow is over...

...Oxford application is complete, with the exception of my Towson transcript (which is currently in transit); this is all too exciting!

Next month is Adam's and my one year! I can't believe how quickly the past year has flown by. How wonderful it truly has been these past 12 (almost) months. I believe we're heading to a resort type place that his parents got for us as a Christmas/Channukah present (how nice!). Should be a good way to start my February break (though, to be honest, the amount of work I have to do before that is unbelievable--to the point I want to cry a bit...).

Alright, I've been procrastinating on marking my three year 10 books that I took home with me this evening (I just find it difficult to actually do work outside of school--after a full teaching day--these days...).

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