Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.

*Nothing new to really write at the moment. Currently in Philadelphia and have been since Friday. It's been a great time here visiting my mom and grandparents. Tomorrow I head up to Jersey to visit my father and Lori along with Wife and Krause. Then heading back DOWN to Maryland from the 27-1st of December (somewhere between Columbia and Baltimore--catch me if you can kids...).

*Meanwhile, I've been getting my act together and gathering everything I need to apply for this Oxford program by the 22nd of January. References. Check. Application. Almost completed. Personal Statement. Half way done. 25 pound fee. Waiting for pay day. Woop Woop! I'm on my way...to possibly/most definitely being rejected; but hey, at least I can say I tried (and if I get in I may flip metaphorically or literally, I haven't decided quite yet).

*I'm realising how hard it is to spend long periods of time apart from certain people you usually see every 4 days...not fair. With that said, Skype is a wonderful thing :D

*Started running again since I had my surgery almost three weeks ago! Feels good to be up and at it once more (I feel revitalized--well as much as one can regardless of jet lag...)

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