Saturday, June 26, 2010

Long time no write...

It's been a while since I last properly posted. It's all been very crazy around here, what with trying to figure out a new job, how I'm going to move my stuff from MK to London, photography related items and over all work stuffs.

My job hunt has been the main issue of contention for me, as of late. I apply to two or three a day, but I've heard neither yey nor ney as of yet. It's frustrating. Some people say I should continue to look in the area of teaching, but I feel as though if I don't take a step back from it, I'll loose the passion all together. Besides, only being 23 leaves me open for a great many career options (and not just in the London area). While Dubai has had to take the back burner (for family reasons), Adam and I have started looking in Mumbai. To live in India for two years would be incredible, not to mention we'd eat like kings (Indian food for three meals a day = culinary heaven). I suppose I could say (in the most cliche way possible) that the world is, indeed, our oyster. I only hope I find the pearl soon; otherwise, I'm going to find myself with a free (though unwanted) plane ticket back to the US.

The photography exhibition turned out great. After my momentary mini-meltdown after almost everyone had cancelled 10 minutes before it was intended on starting, I ended up having 15 people in total (more than I originally thought I would have). It was great to see Yvonne, who I hadn't caught up with for over a year (she even purchased a photo--my first sale!). Having my pictures in that Pub means that Notting Hill like folk will be going in and out. My prices are incredibly reasonable (for the reason that I'm new to the photography world and cannot justify charging outlandish prices) which hopefully means they'll be willing to make a few purchases. I'll keep everyone updated on the progress of this through photos on facebook, here, and my new website that Qasim put together

I must head off. Currently at Jackie and Tony's for Jackie's birthday. It's great to see them (especially in Manchester--what a city!).

1 comment:

Lil Qveen said...

someone once told me that if you charge high people will assume you're worth it. I've found it true with my hair stuff and face painting, i get 50-75 bucks an hour to paint sponge bob and flowers on kids... and people assume I'm worth it. It's a weird contradiction, that sometimes people think it must be "better" or "more worth it" if it costs more. You are priceless and never forget it!

Good luck on the job search, I'm on a career in general search, lol. WIll figure it out in time. I miss you terribly and although I know you don't want to come back to the states just yet, I cannot say that I would be completely devestated if you did 0:)