*A huge change from last week, I started this week with some fantastic news. One of the pubs in Notting Hill is considering the idea of allowing me to put up my photography for sale. I've already met with the manager, he's interested in taking me on, and just needs to run it by the owner. I never though I'd be able to make money from a hobby. Either way, I'm excited. I've had some suggestions that it would be more profitable if I were to actually start up a proper website, rather than just my Flickr account. Luckily, I have a friend to help me out with this (I get the domain for free, which is a huge help as well) so I'm well on my way to possibly starting a serious side project! I'll post the website name/URL here once it's up and running.
*Exactly two months from next Tuesday I'll be fully moved out of Milton Keynes and into Notting Hill with Adam. It's been a fabulous year living on my own and getting acclimated to the 'real world' (that's not to say that living in the house last year wasn't 'real life'--though it was certainly different, to say the least) and all the responsibilities, which come with it. However, given the opportunity to move in with Adam, and to Notting Hill for that matter, is far more attractive of an option to pass up.
*With that said, still no job sorted for next year, but I have a few pokers in the fire and I'll keep you posted if anything comes my way.
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