Thursday, March 4, 2010

' 'Cuz I've still got miles to go...'

A very quick post...

Milton Keynes Half-marathon this weekend. Very excited at the prospect of finishing in under 2 hour especially considering the people I'm running with and their incredible endurance levels (it'll be good to have a running group so we can keep one another going--or rather so that they can keep me going). Looking forward to that same feeling I felt when I finished last year--only this time, it'll be almost 20 minutes sooner and Adam will be running along side with me, rather than standing out in the pouring rain (like the awesome boyfriend that he is) waiting for me to finish. Not much else to say. More to come after Sunday...


De Campo said...

I’ve had great marathon success with my “ninja turtle diet” and highly recommend it.

What? You think this body comes naturally?

Ashley said...

You mean it doesn't?! Hehe...and what would your 'Ninja turtle diet'? Does it consist of Pizza and living in a sewer for a number of weeks on end?

De Campo said...

Pizza is only the half of it. You must be dedicated to stop at any point during the race to help a absent minded news reporter from falling into the hands of an evil ninja cult.

Ashley said...

In play group, I use to hang out with the boys more than the girls and, for this reason, I was always April. I'm sure Freud would have a lot to say about this. Regardless, April kicked major ass.

De Campo said...

I suppose...when she wasn't slumming with Casey Jones.