Monday, September 7, 2009

Year 2.

*Today was my first full day back at school. I couldn't help thinking about my first full day of teaching last year; looking back on the the scene, it was something out of a horror film. There was a moment where I knew I had officially lost control of my year 8 class and the temptation to run out of the room screaming was quite overpowering; a stark contrast to my classes today. I'm satisfied to say that I'm still here, one year later, still going strong. My ultimate challenge, or perhaps, challenges, begin(s) tomorrow, when I meet, for the first time, my year 12 students. A step above the lower school and two steps below university students, I'm worried I'm going in expecting far too much of them. Luckily, these students are the best of the best from year 11 last year, which will make my job slightly easier. As my next step will (hopefully) focus more on post 16, I've decided that my main focus, with regards to improving and moving forward with my teaching, will be on post 16 teaching skills. And finally, my biggest challenge, by far this year, will be my year 10s. Looking at my roster, I have some students from last year whom I know that, as early as day 1, I will need to 'lay down the law' for them with regards to deadlines, behavior in class, and becoming more responsible. They're not going to like me-- I can certainly tell you that right now; however, they're going to be thanking me when most, if not all, either meet or go beyond their targeted grade.

*I'm starting to get serious with my graduate applications. I've started my personal statement, contacted one of my two references, and decided on the piece of writing from undergraduate that I'd like to use. I'm nervous, excited, and anxious all at the same time. I feel as bit like I'm applying (again) for undergraduate; only this time, I have all of the credentials, and not some asinine standardized test holding me back from where I truly want to go (in hindsight, the SATs did force me to go to Towson; something that I actually am grateful for).

*Adam and I booked our hotel for Paris and we're set to go on the 25th of September. This place is so much of a steal it's practically ridiculous: 165 per person for two nights in a 'Deluxe Room' that has a terrace (and this is the kicker) looking out on the Eiffel Tower! The rooms are beautiful, the ratings were fantastic, and the location could not be any better! All I can say is Happy Birthday to the both of us :)

*Tree-Athalon on the 19th of September in London. 5k to raise money for planting trees in and around London. If you have any questions, would like to donate a pound to add to my 25 pounds, or just want to come watch on that Saturday, here's the link:


Lil Qveen said...

are you staying at the hotel we did? or did you find a nicer one? let me know how it was and the next time we travel we'll get the deluxe room! lol

have a wonderful time! and happy early birthday- send me your adress and i'll maybe send you something (if you're luck) =D


Ashley said...

We are most certainly staying in the hotel that we found. And yes, we can go there when you come back to visit ;) <3

As for my address: 4 bergmont gardents walnut tree milton keynes buckinghamshire mk7 7ng UK

<3 I miss youuu!!