Monday, July 27, 2009

A new blog name!

Well, after much thought, I've decided to heed Carolyn's advice on a new blog name. Out of respect for my favorite author, I've decided rename my blog according to a very simple, yet incredibly poignant, quote by Vonnegut. It's true, we are, in some respect, here on Earth to 'fart around' as he so graciously put it. And why not? What's life without a little adventure, without a little fun? All work and no play, well we all know the quote. I think I learned, if anything, this year how true this is. I've seen the polar opposites (and not necessarily at my job either); those who distain a hard days work and those who are so far into their work they cannot see that it's consuming their life. And yet, I've come across people who have made that incredible balance between work and life; those people are the happiest out of the three groups. Of this I am certain. So here's to a new blog name. To a new year. To a new life style. To my first year living soli on my own. To being (as said before) irrevocably in love. To continuing to learn about life. And to being one year older and one year wiser.

And a few quick updates:

In Maryland starting tomorrow until Monday. If you want my number, shoot me a message on facebook. So excited to see everyone!

Adam comes on Saturday. I don't think I need to say how much I've missed him the past week and a half.

I've decided, for the final time, to give it a go at writing a story (short or novella--I haven't decided yet). I'll keep you updated on how it's turning out. All I can say is, I'm writing what I know. You'll have to wait for the finished product to read it.

1 comment:

Lil Qveen said...

yay! let me know when your near me! i must see you!

and yay for using my ideas! maybe i can market that and make money. =D