Monday, July 27, 2009

A new blog name!

Well, after much thought, I've decided to heed Carolyn's advice on a new blog name. Out of respect for my favorite author, I've decided rename my blog according to a very simple, yet incredibly poignant, quote by Vonnegut. It's true, we are, in some respect, here on Earth to 'fart around' as he so graciously put it. And why not? What's life without a little adventure, without a little fun? All work and no play, well we all know the quote. I think I learned, if anything, this year how true this is. I've seen the polar opposites (and not necessarily at my job either); those who distain a hard days work and those who are so far into their work they cannot see that it's consuming their life. And yet, I've come across people who have made that incredible balance between work and life; those people are the happiest out of the three groups. Of this I am certain. So here's to a new blog name. To a new year. To a new life style. To my first year living soli on my own. To being (as said before) irrevocably in love. To continuing to learn about life. And to being one year older and one year wiser.

And a few quick updates:

In Maryland starting tomorrow until Monday. If you want my number, shoot me a message on facebook. So excited to see everyone!

Adam comes on Saturday. I don't think I need to say how much I've missed him the past week and a half.

I've decided, for the final time, to give it a go at writing a story (short or novella--I haven't decided yet). I'll keep you updated on how it's turning out. All I can say is, I'm writing what I know. You'll have to wait for the finished product to read it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

So I guess there's that...

Vonnegut. Time and time again I've made reference to him in my ramblings. I've quoted him. I've praised him. I've even thought about doing my Ph.d on something relating to his writing. And yet, I never actually tried writing like him. I think, as my next project, I'll attempt to write a short story (or perhaps novella) using aspects of his own writing style. Of course I would never rip the man off completely; you must respect the dead. I think it'll be interesting to see whether or not I'll be able to mix my own personal style (if I can even find one) with aspects of Vonnegut. It will certainly be a feet if I can finish this, especially since I've never actually finished a story; probably the reason for my feeble attempt at writing poetry.

Today I officially ended my first year of teaching. It felt surreal. No doubt I poured hours and hours into my final year at Towson in some ridiculous attempt to perfect the art of teaching. 'Any teacher who says they are perfect at teaching or knows everything should retire' is what our cohort leader said; how true. Reflecting today on my way into work, I realized how far I have come this year alone. How far I have come since Kate and I opened those doors of the auditorium into the sunlight after receiving our ticket into the 'real world'. It was as though the outside was welcoming us with open arms saying: 'C'mon in. You've worked hard. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you'. To some extent it has taken very good care of us--well, me for that matter--I haven't spoken to Kate and the rest of my classmates nearly as much as I would have if I stayed in Maryland or even the States. For me, I can say, the real world has been kind. True, it had its ups and downs this past year. But what's life without a little rocking of the boat? With the rough times came some incredible experiences, both in and out of the classroom. To wrap up this rant, 2008/2009 was, by far, one of the best years of my life. And while I was miles away from most of the ones I love, I realised, through that distance, that I have some incredible people back at home. It made it rough at times being here, but I think--no, I know-- this entire experience is something that I will take with me forever. No matter what.

With that said, I just became quite anxious, in a not positive way, about going back to Maryland; or more specifically, Towson. I realized after speaking to a friend of mine from college that most people have moved on since I last saw them in December/January. The ones who I always thought would be there have now seemingly moved away from that comfort zone and on to starting their own lives. Then again, I suppose I shouldn't get upset; they just did exactly what I did, only a year later. This is what happens when we grow up and it needs to be kept in mind.

As Carolyn brought to my attention a few posts back, I need a new name for my blog. Any suggestions?

And finally, to wrap this up, I have just one last thing to say: I am, without a doubt, whole heartedly, stupidly, and irrevocably, in love; for the first time ever. So I guess there's that... ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We will go there, leave this, weakness, can't take this from me...

*Once again, I find myself reunited with a band from my past (no thanks to my iPod partially breaking--I'm left without a screen for my iPod so whatever comes my way is completely random); Ladies and Gents, I give you, the one, and only: Dispatch. How on earth did I manage to ever allow this incredible threesome to make their way to the bottom of my selection? From their interest of charity work in Africa to catchy guitar rifts, poignant lyrics to feet-stomping drum beats, it's a wonder I ever let them slip from my daily play lists. For those of you who have never heard Dispatch, or just need a good dose (as I found I certainly did), you can simply go to . Lucky for you, they have a free player at the top of their website that plays all their albums (including their solo stuff). Check it out and be prepared to be 'wowed'!

*It's funny because, in less than two weeks, I will have completed my first year of teaching. I was in the middle of a lesson today and thought 'this has become such second nature, I could practically do it with my eyes closed!' Well, on second thought, perhaps it would be best if I didn't do that; a few of my classes might end up, literally, swinging from the rafters (or just beating the crap out of each other). I can see my confidence growing, with regard to what I'm doing. I am clearer of my strengths and weaknesses. I am seeing results that I'm quite pleased with; even with a class as difficult as my year 7s. Sometimes I forgot that I'm teaching in England, and then I come back to my senses, and I get this really gitty 'wow-I-actually-made-it' feeling in my stomach that just sends me through the roof; it's a wonderful feeling.

*Five months on the 14th!! :) I cannot believe this; it's still going so well!

*I just found this on my friends page via Facebook. Teachers: Imagine if we ever spoke to a student like this. Police and law enforcers/Military: Would you ever speak to a child like this? Parents: Would you like your child to be spoken to like this? Take a look: Police in Baltimore

*Anyway, I'm off to Sophie/Laura's for a movie night. 10 days "ya'll":)