*I spent last weekend (again), as most of you saw on facebook, in Nottinghill with Adam. It was so nice, just the two of us (well except for Saturday night where we met up with Bri and Amanda. Was a good time :) ). The weather was spectacular, and much walking/picture taking was done. A big 'thumbs up' to that weekend indeed. What I wouldn't give to be able to afford to live in that area...
*I'm slowly building myself back up from the half marathon. For the past two weeks I've been doing a full 45 minutes on the tredmill. My knee has stopped hurting (thank God. See, I DON'T need drugs, my body heals itself!) which is good. I'm about go for my second run outside since the race (I've been taking my friend to the gym so I haven't had much time for running outside). I'm looking to do a second race in July, right before I head home.
*Which reminds me: 1. If you haven't already figured it out, or I haven't already said anything, I'm staying in England for another year. Everything is going swell as is, and while I'm missing all my friends back at home terribly, I need money to live and America isn't exactly the 'land of opportunity' at the moment. My job pays the bills and then some. But don't worry, you haven't lost me to the Motherland quite yet ;) 2. I'm home from the 20th of July to the 20th of August. I'll let all you lovely people know once I figure out which week I'm spending in which state (NJ/NY, MD, PA, Fla.).
*I recently had an old friend come back into my life, which I'm happy about. I think the past year or so of not speaking did us both a lot of good. I look forward to meeting up when I get home for lunch and a much needed catch up :)
*Yes, Adam and I are 'official' Haha I sound like my students, but I have to admit I'm quite giddy about this. Even my department was telling me I was 'floating on Cloud 9' when I came in on Monday morning (I had just gotten back from London--you can imagine how much slack I was getting about that one ;) ).
*Carolyn comes in two weeks. Need I say more?! Yes, I would be rather excited about this. Paris, get ready. Here we come. ;)
Off to do a run, shower, vacuum, and then pick Adam up from the train station. We're heading up to Manchester for the weekend and seeing Jackie and Toni tomorrow night. What an awesome weekend!!!!
2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
and who is this adam? i saw pictures, but never even knew there was anything- let alone if was official! i need details women! a wife has a right to know who her wife is seeing =D
also- think of this, after the trip, we can say to each other- "we'll always have paris" heehee
1 DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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