...this country relies on stick shift cars...
...those of you from areas on the east coast, where people typically can afford flashy sports cars (Bergen County, NJ for example), you know, as well as I do, why you do not see those gems driving around in the dead of winter. There's nothing like trying to shift from 'reverse' into first without either A. stalling out B. getting your tires stuck (causing them to spin) or any other variety of problems. Anyway, this massive amount of accumulation resulted in a four day weekend for us teachers. I'm certainly NOT complaining about this--only that I was becoming a bit stir crazy after two days of being stuck in my house (mainly due to the fact that I lack a car of my own and the taxi/bus services were sparser than normal). I managed to begin watching all the Sex in the City episodes, starting from Season 1, read as much as possible, clean my house (oh that was some stress relief right there) and get a few things done that I normally wouldn't get to do during the week. Almost a week later the snow is finally starting to melt and we're resuming back to normal. I'm just learning how to 'ice skate' to work since they don't feel it necessary to salt or shovel the redways. In a city where they 'claim' to be green, they certainly do all in their power to make it nearly impossible to follow along with this life style; at least as far as a car is concerned.
This past Sunday I headed up to Sheffield for a tournament. It was, over all, an enjoyable time and good to finally get back into the swing of things. I even managed to catch up with Andy, an old coworker from my years of 'summer camp'. Four years later and it seems as though we've both made some rather large changes to our lives. He's doing well, going on two years with his girlfriend, and working as a PE teacher in a school up in Sheffield. There are plans in the works for him to move up to Scotland next year and teach while his girlfriend goes back to school. As for the outcome of the tournament, we went 50-50; there was a lot of frustration amongst some of our players due to our inconsistent playing schedules. It's only to be expected when people don't play together on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Such is life...
...I started listening Coldplay for the first time in ages--okay so maybe my dislike for the band isn't as strong as I thought it was. I guess after talking to that guy on the plane (my first trip over to the UK back in 2006) my view of the group became slightly skewed. 3 years later and they're really not so bad after all...
...if you haven't noticed already, I'm in an elipsis mood...it's a bit reflective of my thought process over the past few days or so...
...Dad and Lori are coming to England on Friday :) I'm relatively excited about this, especially since this is Lori's first time over seas. She's going to love it and I'm excited to show them around London/MK (I know, MK isn't interesting, but it's my first 'place', first job, first attempt at this horribly daunting thing called 'adulthood' and I'm proud to show them I'm not failing miserable...
...according to Sex in the City, the amount of time it takes to get over an ex, properly, is exactly half the time you've dated. It's 1 1/2 months since I've been dumped and we dated for a total of 3...it is now 'officially' acceptable to begin dating once more :). I swear I'm not OCD or anything...
...I realized today that, sometimes in life, I wish I could bring around a Sharpie marker and fix all the grammatical errors in the world; including ones that the English department finds on the white board in the staff room...
...I think I've updated enough...oh and one last thing...Ireland in a week from tomorrow!!! :-D
Since you’re only relatively excited about the man who sired you coming to visit, may I suggest the following family fun sure to liven up holiday:
Purchase a box of sharpie markers and go throughout town fixing grammatical errors. Don’t just stop there! Identify other errors in town like people who should not be allowed to breed, wear certain outfits, or rely on HBO to dictate romantic theory. Have your father and Lori hold them down while you scribe the offense on the “errors” forehead.
The family that assaults together stays together. Hmmmm, I think I learned that from an HBO series.
Hey, we might live 30 minutes from where they filmed the Sopranoes, and I might have gone to school with a girl who's father was in 'waste management', but us Fleischhacker's don't assault people; we use the Jewish guilt instead (it works much better) ;)
No I am actually very very excited to be going to Dublin, on top of seeing the person (his name is Jason) who has invited me. I'm going to respond to your fb message on your fb wall now lol...
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