Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mowing it all down and dancing in the rip tide...

I have 6 hours left in the US before I head off to the UK for the next year. It still hasn't sunk in that I'm moving away from all I've known for 21 years of my life to seek out something new and innovative. I suppose having studied in the UK prior to this experience is giving me the tools and help that I'll need to acclimate myself to life abroad. I visited Maryland this past week after my visa was delayed. I was suppose to be in England by now, but something happened with the paper work and, well, lets just say that bureaucratic BS is all over the British Government; lovely. Regardless of all this, it was nice to have my cake and eat it too :) Because of the delay in my visa I was able to to say goodbye to everyone one last time. I managed to tie some loose ends up while I was there as well. Last time I left for the UK, there were many ties left unattended to--I think it had a serious affect on my experience studying abroad. I made it a point not to let that happen again. As I told Lisa, I'm leaving the US this time knowing that I'm happy, where I should be, and with nothing to cause me to look back--a very refreshing and comforting thought indeed. 

I receive my materials for my remaining classes tomorrow. I can only imagine what texts I'll teach my students. My grandfather reassured me of my self-doubt (as stated in my last post, this is still something I'm coping with--but I find it's becoming easier as the days proceed). Perhaps once I get into the swing of things I'll feel as though I have a firm grip on the materials and that'll, in turn, help with not second guessing myself. I'm excited to meet the other teachers, though I wonder if I'll receive any slack for being an American in the English department. I know the students will find it rather amusing, but adults can be just as cruel as children/teens. There's a part of me that worries they'll use my nationality as a reason to be somewhat hostile; "after all, the English language came to America from the UK, what would an American know that we don't?" (Oh geez...) More doubt, more second guessing--I suppose I'll just have to suck it up and "put on a happy face." I can't let my peers (and CERTAINLY NOT my students) know that I'm feeling this way, it might just put my job in jeopardy.

Well, I should be off. Next time I post I'll be writing from the UK. I'll have my cell phone number and address by then--but if you need to get in contact with me, simply use AIM or afleis1@towson.edu 

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