I've been in London now for five days and Adam has been gone for the same.
It's been an interesting experience. Being in a fairly 'new' city. Alone. Without a job. It's pushing the limits for me. I can assure you that. The evenings are the worst. I'm thinking about coming home, depending on how the next few days go.
On a lighter note, I currently have the worlds dumbest wasp stuck in my bathroom a. My attempts to 'free' it were something out of an I Love Lucy episode:
I decided to make a makeshift 'Bee Protection Costume': Barbour Jacket on, zipped up to my neck and hood on, stuck my hands into really thick present bags (since we don't have oven gloves), put my sun glasses on for protection, and attempted to open the window further. No such luck. Finally, after standing there for a few minutes, hoping said wasp would figure out that the window opened at the BOTTOM and not at the top, I decided to brave the elements. Turned on the taps to the shower. Got in for a few minutes. And then...all hell broke loose. Some shadow from the outside 'pissed off' this very unfortunate wasp (one I'm sure that was nothing more than the village idiot in its home hive. There's no way this thing had any lineage to the queen or anyone with brains) and it started for the shower. I yelped, jumped out of the shower as fast as I could (unfortunately without a towel. The hallway carpet is mildly damp now), and made a run for it, leaving the shower head on the floor of the tub sticking up. Realising this only seconds after fleeing the bathroom, I (screaming at this point) turned the taps off, only to find that the wasp had resumed its normal position by the window and water was now dripping from the ceiling. What a way to start my day. Sometimes I can empathise with Alexander from 'Alexander and The Horrible No Good Very Bad Day'. Maybe I should have stayed in bed.