Monday, November 16, 2009

A little night music...

*I currently have Classic FM blasting in the background, hence the anglicized version of my blog title (if I knew how to spell the German title I would, but I'm far too lazy at the present time to Google it). I've become accustomed to waking up in the morning and immediately turning on Classic FM; it's very soothing, especially directly before heading off to work. I suppose I've picked this up from years of wandering into my grandparents kitchen in the early morning, only to find my grandfather, an hour already into his day, drinking coffee, reading The Philadelphia Inquirer, with NPR (though this has changed as of a few years ago when my family renamed the station to 'National Palestinian Radio' instead of 'National Public Radio' due to their stance on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict--no surprise there are some in the family who stopped listening to NPR; a few of us who, wouldn't admit it out loud, still do listen to that station...) blasting in the background. Mozart, Strauss, Bach, Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, Wagner, and so many more danced through the kitchen, sometimes with great grander, and other times, with less intensity, never losing their beauty. To me, as a young girl, it all sounded relatively the same, and trying to remember who wrote what almost seemed like an unattainable task. However, to my grandfather, it as like remembering the alphabet; the only question that seemed to throw him for a loop, from time to time, was who was conducting the piece during that particular recording. At that point my grandmother and he would begin to argue (in more of an endearing way than anything) about who the conductor actually was. And from time to time he would quiz me about which instrument was playing during various times in each piece; even to this day I find I quiz myself to see if I can correctly identify each instrument. Following this my grandmother would start making her amazing wheat pancakes with real Maple Syrup.

It's amazing how many memories are recalled, not only smell, but sound as well. I must admit, I'm most certainly looking forward to going home for a few weeks.

Last weekend was great, what with having a very relaxing weekend spent in London. We spent Saturday faffing about in the morning and then heading to the Tate Modern. Can I just say that, if you don't go in there with an open mind, you will come out from most of it thinking 'what in the name of G-d was that?' At least that's how I felt coming out of many of the exhibits we saw. Regardless, it was nice to go to a gallery for the first time in a while. Following the Tate and a few drinks, we went to see 2012, which was a definite guilty pleasure movie. I highly recommend going to see if it you are looking for a brainless, but relatively exciting movie. A definite great way to spend 9 months!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

'And it's a winding road...'

*I know it's been about a month since I last updated, but it's been long nights at work followed by a week up north for half term. Next thing I knew we're almost into the second week of November; where time has been flying off to these past few months is beyond me.

*Half term was brilliant! Adam and I rented a car and headed up north to where he grew up followed by a two day stay in Newcastle and a few hours spent at the Harry Potter Castle (HP nerds, eat your heart out!). It was really cool seeing where Adam grew up--quite different to the suburban hell that is Mahwah. And while the the closest shop is only open a few hours a day, the rolling hills, endless sky, and abundance of fresh air (minus the occasional smell of cow poop) were all rather refreshing; it was like visiting Tornado Alley in the States, minus the rednecks, confederate flags, Dennis Quaid, Jodie Foster, and (of course) tornados. Not to mention, our five mile runs were easier than any run I've ever experienced. I don't think you could ask for a flatter surface.

Following our few days spent in Lincolnshire, we continued up north to Newcastle for two nights. After a hellish time getting into the city, being locked INTO a bloody car park (you'll need to ask me to explain the whole situation because I do not feel like typing it all out now), and then having to pay an arm and a leg for our parking (apparently the Jury's Inn in Newcastles doesn't have their own car park...), we finally made it up to the room. Following that joyous experience, we headed out for one heck of a session.

The next day we made our way up to Alwick (I think that's the correct name) Castle; the same castle that you see in the HP movies (they even show the visitors exactly where on the castle grounds Harry learned to fly). Aside from that, the scenery was gorgeous; something out of a painting. Following this we headed back to the hotel for a quiet evening out and headed back to MK/London the next day. All in all it was an enjoyable trip! Not to mention being able to spend time with Adam for more than two days a week was awesome as well. I have pictures that I will attempt to put on facebook (a few on here to give you a sneak peek) eventually.

*I know it's the 5th of November and I realise it is customary to shoot off fireworks, but must the kids around this area shoot them off every five minutes (and so close to houses for that matter?!)?? It's been driving me nuts now for about three hours. Not to mention I've had two people from the SAME charity knock on my door within the same hour asking for money; I realise that I live in a semi well off area, but I'm only a teacher! There is an actual reason for the saying 'you don't go into this profession for the money'. What a crazy night this has been.

*For all of those people who still read my blog: I am back in the States from the 18-2nd of December/January! PA: 18-23 ; NJ: 23-24 and 26-27 ; LI: 25 ; MD: 27-1. Let me know if you want to meet up! So excited to see everyone!

*Off I go to bed; I've been pulling 11 hour days as of late and I am exhausted. FUN FUN!